Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Report

Environmental Impact Assessment

Publication of Parys Mountain Mine EIA Scoping Report


The Parys Mountain Mine Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Report has been published by the North Wales Minerals and Waste Planning Service who assess mineral planning applications on behalf of the Isle of Anglesey County Council and other County Councils within the North Wales Region.


As announced by the Company on Friday 16th August 2024, the Anglesey Mining team are committed to close collaboration with stakeholders, communities, industry and supply chain, particularly around minimising potential environmental impacts and maximising economic development opportunities for local communities.


The Scoping Report and appendices can be accessed and downloaded from the Parys Mountain section of our web site by clicking the following links:


EIA Scoping Report


ESA Scoping Report Appendices


or from the Anglesey County Council and North Wales Minerals and Waste Planning Service websites by clicking the following link:




If you wish to submit comments through the formal scoping processes, please send your comments directly to the North Wales Minerals and Waste Planning Service.


In the meantime, if you wish to provide comments regarding the proposal to the Anglesey Mining Team directly, please address them to mail@angleseymining.co.uk with the subject “Scoping Report Comments.”